Monday, April 14, 2014

To Starting a New Adventure!

I think it is important to enjoy yourself and live life to the fullest.  I also think each person should have an obligation to take care of themselves.  I expect my husband to take care of himself so that he can be around for me and our children in the future.  

I have been into health and wellness for some time now.  I grew up eating my fruits and vegetables and I always remember by dad suggesting a healthy snack to me when I wanted junk.  His long persistence paid off because it is not second nature for me to reach for a piece of fruit or some nuts for a snack.  I also had my granny as inspiration.  She is 100 years old (wow!) now and still doing great! I think she was more extreme into wellness than I am, but I see myself slowly becoming more like her.  She would never drink tap water, never had a drop of alcohol, and would eat carob instead of chocolate.  She also would talk a walk everyday! She has taught me a lot.

I try not to be too extreme when it comes to health.  My husband would say I am way past extreme, but I have to disagree.  I am not into the all organic, gluten-free, paleo diet stuff.  I just believe in eating a variety of whole foods, drinking lots of water, and exercising. 

I am starting Live for Health to help educate you about the importance of taking care of yourself. Many people who I talk to (my friends and family included) do not know about prevention of disease. Your lifestyle can either help you or hurt you.  You make the choice.

-- Lucy

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