Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Breakfast, Anyone?

So, this morning as I was getting ready for work and eating my breakfast, I kept thinking that my husband had not had anything to eat before he left.  This is pretty routine for him.  He says he isn’t hungry.  I have told him time and time again how important it is to eat SOMETHING! Now, I don’t know for sure that he didn’t eat, but there wasn’t any evidence in the kitchen! I don’t like to play detective, but I couldn’t help but notice, that there were no more dirty dishes in the dishwasher and the cereal was in the exact same position that I left it.  Could he have had something other than cereal? Maybe so.  I didn't hear the Magic Bullet, so I don't think he had a smoothie.  What else could he have had? A granola bar maybe? And maybe he took some fruit! I can only hope...
My husband has never been a fan of breakfast.  He would much rather wait until lunch even though he is starving!! He is always saying how hungry he is and asking what's for lunch at 10:30am!! So why not have something for breakfast!? Some people are stubborn!

If you don’t eat breakfast, I encourage you to try it for a week.  See what changes (if any) you notice.

Here are some benefits of eating a healthy breakfast.  
  1. Gives you energy to start the day
  2.  Boosts your metabolism (you are BREAKING the FAST)
  3.  Controls your appetite – you are less likely to crave high fat/high calorie food throughout the day
  4. Be more focused on school/work
  5. Helps maintain a healthy weight – controls craving and you eat less at meals because you are not as hungry

Overall, regular healthy breakfast eaters…

- Are Leaner
- More focused
- Have better cholesterol levels
- Consume more nutrients throughout the day
- Have more energy
- Have a better memory!

Here are some healthy breakfast options to try.
  • Cereal with low fat milk (cereal should have less than 5g of sugar/serving) and fruit
  • Veggie omelet with toast (100% whole wheat) and a small glass of orange juice
  • Half of a bagel (100% whole wheat) with peanut butter and fruit
  • Greek yogurt smoothie – fruit, yogurt, milk (low-fat dairy or unsweetened non-dairy) - maybe add some kale or spinach if drinking a green smoothie won’t bother you

In my opinion, if you are going to have a poptart, or a doughnut, or a bowl of sugary cereal, it would be better to skip breakfast.  You are not getting any nutrition.  Only empty calories and sugar (YUCK!) that will leave you hungry and wanting more half an hour later! No good at all.

What do you normally have for breakfast?

-- Lucy

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