Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Don't let stress control your life!

Stress should not be something that controls your life.  There is good stress, but most of the stress in life just seems to be negative.  Unfortunately, I have been under a lot of negative stress the last few days.  I need to try to relax, take my mind off things, and not worry.  That is much easier said than done.  When I get stressed, I have a hard time focusing on the positive things in life.  And there are a lot! But the negative always seems to overtake all of the positive.  

Here are some ways to help manage stress when you need it.

- Don't fuel the negative with your energy

- Stay away from people that cause you stress

- Don't worry about things you cannot control

- Focus on the positive things in life

- Turn the negative stress into opportunities for growth

- Manage time and make priorities

- Take deep breaths and pause before you react

- Practice mindfulness

- Take time for recovery

- Exercise

- Write down what you are grateful for

- Continue to eat a healthy diet 

When you are stressed, it is so hard to focus on anything but the stress.  It is important to exercise, eat a healthy diet, and take time to relax.  It is so tempting to lay around and eat things that you normal wouldn't, but that will not help your body handle the stress you are under.  Remember that you are stinger than the stress and you should not let it control your life!

-- Lucy

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Eating away from home

With it being Easter weekend, I assume many people are traveling.  When I travel, I always feel like I need to pack snacks.  Most people do not eat like me.  I absolutely refuse to eat at a fast food restaurant.  I would rather go hungry than put that junk into my body.  So, I make sure I pack snacks.  I can't always control where everyone wants to eat, but I can control what I choose to eat.  Of course, the people I travel with know how I eat, so they try to take it into account, but honestly, it doesn't always work out in my favor.  Even the restaurants we go to don't have good choices.  Has anyone ever been to a southern restaurant in a little town?? There is literally NOTHING there I like to eat.  It all tastes so good, but my body is not used to have so much grease that I leave feeling sick.  Their vegetables are cooked with lots of fat and most are starchy. Not really easy to have a healthy meal that way.  And the salad bar!? Only iceberg lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, and cucumbers.  The rest is cheese, croutons, crackers, fake bacon, "salads" covered in mayo, and creamy dressings.  Its pretty much a lose lose situation!

For my snacks this trip, I packed apples, bananas, homemade granola (yum), prunes (my favorite since I was a kid), almonds and peanuts (unsalted), and some snap pea crisps.  Someone I know says this is bird food.  How could they!? 

The snap pea crisps are something new I have seen in the store.  I'm not exactly sure how good they are for you, but I know they are much better than chips! They taste really good too.  When I pack my snacks, I know I at least have some good food I can eat.

Even at home, I try to only keep healthy snacks in the house. I think if you are going to eat, it should nourish your body.  Candy and crackers may taste good, but they are not doing anything to benefit your body.  And since most are made out of white flour and sugar, you will be hungry just a few minutes later and craving more.

-- Lucy

Friday, April 18, 2014

Workplace Workouts101

Do you catch yourself sitting at your desk tired, hungry or just plain bored? You should exercise your body! There are tons of workouts that are great to do at your desk or in the break room. Studies have shown that sitting at your desk all day can increase your chances of heart disease, high cholesterol, and even diabetes. Why take chances with your life when you can do simple exercises that will actually increase your lifespan? Simply taking an object with a little weight to it (3-5lbs) and lifting it over your head and back down will give you a good little workout. Also, try squats. Another easy suggestion is to replace your desk chair with an exercise ball. Doing this will allow you to workout your core muscles and improve your balance skills. It's much more fun that sitting in your desk chair :) Just by doing some simple five minute exercises, you can increase your energy, decrease boredom, and start to live a more active life.

Some people may look at you weird, but maybe you can recruit them to join you.  Just think, you are helping your health!

Who says the gym is the only place you can workout?

-- Lucy

Thursday, April 17, 2014

I Love Pinterest!

Some days, I just love to get on Pinterest.  There are so many interesting things.  Great recipes.  Good ideas for the house. Great quotes to live by. Wedding ideas (I got so many of my wedding ideas from Pinterest). Effective exercises.  Cute animals.  What's not to LOVE!? Here are some pins from my latest spree.

Strawberries and kiwi in a wine glass. What a pretty presentation!

I need to remember this! 

Avocado, tomato, olive oil, salt, and pepper

-- Lucy

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Breakfast, Anyone?

So, this morning as I was getting ready for work and eating my breakfast, I kept thinking that my husband had not had anything to eat before he left.  This is pretty routine for him.  He says he isn’t hungry.  I have told him time and time again how important it is to eat SOMETHING! Now, I don’t know for sure that he didn’t eat, but there wasn’t any evidence in the kitchen! I don’t like to play detective, but I couldn’t help but notice, that there were no more dirty dishes in the dishwasher and the cereal was in the exact same position that I left it.  Could he have had something other than cereal? Maybe so.  I didn't hear the Magic Bullet, so I don't think he had a smoothie.  What else could he have had? A granola bar maybe? And maybe he took some fruit! I can only hope...
My husband has never been a fan of breakfast.  He would much rather wait until lunch even though he is starving!! He is always saying how hungry he is and asking what's for lunch at 10:30am!! So why not have something for breakfast!? Some people are stubborn!

If you don’t eat breakfast, I encourage you to try it for a week.  See what changes (if any) you notice.

Here are some benefits of eating a healthy breakfast.  
  1. Gives you energy to start the day
  2.  Boosts your metabolism (you are BREAKING the FAST)
  3.  Controls your appetite – you are less likely to crave high fat/high calorie food throughout the day
  4. Be more focused on school/work
  5. Helps maintain a healthy weight – controls craving and you eat less at meals because you are not as hungry

Overall, regular healthy breakfast eaters…

- Are Leaner
- More focused
- Have better cholesterol levels
- Consume more nutrients throughout the day
- Have more energy
- Have a better memory!

Here are some healthy breakfast options to try.
  • Cereal with low fat milk (cereal should have less than 5g of sugar/serving) and fruit
  • Veggie omelet with toast (100% whole wheat) and a small glass of orange juice
  • Half of a bagel (100% whole wheat) with peanut butter and fruit
  • Greek yogurt smoothie – fruit, yogurt, milk (low-fat dairy or unsweetened non-dairy) - maybe add some kale or spinach if drinking a green smoothie won’t bother you

In my opinion, if you are going to have a poptart, or a doughnut, or a bowl of sugary cereal, it would be better to skip breakfast.  You are not getting any nutrition.  Only empty calories and sugar (YUCK!) that will leave you hungry and wanting more half an hour later! No good at all.

What do you normally have for breakfast?

-- Lucy

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Why Life for Health?

You may be asking, "Why should I live for health?" You may have different reasons than I do. 

I live for health because I do not ever want to be hindered by my health if I have any control over it. Now,  of course, there are unpreventable illnesses.  But, if I get sick, I do not want it to be because of my lifestyle choices.  I want to be fit and active.  I want to play with my future children and grandchildren.  I want to be there for my husband.  I want to grow old and have fun.  I don't want to take pills or go to numerous doctors appointment.  I want to live a carefree life and not worry about my health because I have taken care of myself my whole life.

Why do you want to live for health?

-- Lucy

Monday, April 14, 2014

To Starting a New Adventure!

I think it is important to enjoy yourself and live life to the fullest.  I also think each person should have an obligation to take care of themselves.  I expect my husband to take care of himself so that he can be around for me and our children in the future.  

I have been into health and wellness for some time now.  I grew up eating my fruits and vegetables and I always remember by dad suggesting a healthy snack to me when I wanted junk.  His long persistence paid off because it is not second nature for me to reach for a piece of fruit or some nuts for a snack.  I also had my granny as inspiration.  She is 100 years old (wow!) now and still doing great! I think she was more extreme into wellness than I am, but I see myself slowly becoming more like her.  She would never drink tap water, never had a drop of alcohol, and would eat carob instead of chocolate.  She also would talk a walk everyday! She has taught me a lot.

I try not to be too extreme when it comes to health.  My husband would say I am way past extreme, but I have to disagree.  I am not into the all organic, gluten-free, paleo diet stuff.  I just believe in eating a variety of whole foods, drinking lots of water, and exercising. 

I am starting Live for Health to help educate you about the importance of taking care of yourself. Many people who I talk to (my friends and family included) do not know about prevention of disease. Your lifestyle can either help you or hurt you.  You make the choice.

-- Lucy